Contact Lenses

Tips and Tricks for Travelling With Contact Lenses

When you wear contacts, it can be challenging to know what TO do and what NOT to do when you are travelling. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you avoid any vacation related contact lens issues.

  1. Use daily disposables – If your prescription allows, it is easier to use daily disposables, and you don’t have to carry as much solution as with regular contacts.

  2. Wear glasses on the plane – If you are flying, it might be easier to wear your glasses. The air in a plane is often very dry and wearing contacts doesn’t tend to help with eye dryness.

  3. Have more than enough to last – Make sure you bring enough contacts or solution to last you the whole vacation. It might not be that easy to get contacts in another city if at all depending on the remoteness of the location.

  4. Buy a travel kit – This is not a necessity, but if you have a kit it’s less likely that your contacts will get lost and it is easier to find everything you need before bed and in the morning

  5. Take a day off – You may want to take a day off of using your contacts and wear glasses. Getting less sleep and different time zones can be hard on your eyes, as well as keeping them in longer than usual. Also, remember to drink lots of water to keep your eyes hydrated.

The summer will be here sooner than you think! If you are going on vacation this summer, we would love to help ease your stress, be sure to get your regular contacts or daily disposables ordered soon!

3 Reasons You Need To Order Your Contacts Before School Ends For The Summer

There are only a few more weeks before school is over and I am sure you have tons to do but NOW is the time to order your contacts. If you wait until the last minute, you could be upset when you find out you can’t get your contacts right away.

  1. Contact lenses can take a while to order in if your Optician doesn’t have your prescription in stock so this could mean you may have to wait three to four weeks for them to be ready.

  2. Even if your Optician does have your prescription in stock, you will be adding your name to the long list of people already in front of you looking for contact lenses, and all this could mean waiting up to a week for your contacts.

  3. If you are starting a new job or going on a vacation and need your contacts, it is especially important that you think ahead. If you can’t see, you can’t perform correctly at work, and it would definitely suck to delay your vacation.

One of the things we pride ourselves on is giving our clients the best possible service, and we cannot give you that service at the last minute. To get your contact lenses it takes time. Put contact lenses on your to-do list right now, and you will have no problem getting your contact lenses for the summer!

If you're running out of contacts make sure to come into the store or fill out our reorder form today!

Late Nights + Contacts = Scary Stuff – What Can Happen If You Forget To Take Your Contacts Out

So, you were up late studying for that final and forgot to take your contacts out before going to bed. No problem, right? Wrong! Keeping them in for too long can be dangerous. Here’s why:

When you leave contact lenses in for longer than the time prescribed, you risk the spread of bacteria because there is a lack of oxygen going to the eye. While your eyes naturally tear to wash away bacteria while you are awake, this doesn’t happen when you are asleep.

Bacteria can cause all sorts of problems, and the last thing you want to do is damage your eyesight, because, well, I’m sure you were hoping to keep that for the next fifty years or so. Here are some things that can happen when you don’t take your contact lenses out.

Eye pain and soreness – One of the first symptoms of an eye infection is eye pain, redness, itching and the feeling of something foreign in your eye. You may also experience discharge.  

Blurry vision – It can be common to have bluriness when wearing your contact lenses due to movement of the lense, dryness or a change in your prescription but if you are experiencing blurry vision after you take your contact lenses out that could mean it’s more serious.

Eye ulcers – A corneal ulcer is a common ulcer on the clear front surface of the eye that can happen as a result of wearing contact lenses too long. It is painful and can cause loss of vision and even blindness.

If you are experiencing any pain or soreness with your contact lenses, please see your doctor right away. It is always better to be safe than sorry. And if you have any other questions about your contact lenses, we are always happy to help!

If you're running out of contacts make sure to come into the store or fill out our reorder form today!