3 Reasons You Need To Order Your Contacts Before School Ends For The Summer

There are only a few more weeks before school is over and I am sure you have tons to do but NOW is the time to order your contacts. If you wait until the last minute, you could be upset when you find out you can’t get your contacts right away.

  1. Contact lenses can take a while to order in if your Optician doesn’t have your prescription in stock so this could mean you may have to wait three to four weeks for them to be ready.

  2. Even if your Optician does have your prescription in stock, you will be adding your name to the long list of people already in front of you looking for contact lenses, and all this could mean waiting up to a week for your contacts.

  3. If you are starting a new job or going on a vacation and need your contacts, it is especially important that you think ahead. If you can’t see, you can’t perform correctly at work, and it would definitely suck to delay your vacation.

One of the things we pride ourselves on is giving our clients the best possible service, and we cannot give you that service at the last minute. To get your contact lenses it takes time. Put contact lenses on your to-do list right now, and you will have no problem getting your contact lenses for the summer!

If you're running out of contacts make sure to come into the store or fill out our reorder form today!